Happy New Year everybody! May this year bring you happiness, good health and prosperity! (^.^) Last Sunday, I was off from my job teaching English conversation (英会話) in Tsukaguchi (塚口) and Kawanishi (川西). My family and I went out to lunch with a Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi student who had invited us to go […]
Kind People and Crêpes in Tsukaguchi
In an earlier post, “Why I Love Teaching English in Japan – Kind Students“, I wrote about the kindness of my students at my English conversation (英会話) school to in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校). Let me give you another example showing just how kind Japanese people really are. On February 26, […]
My Dear Cactus
I’ve liked cactuses since I was a boy. Not the spiky ones that hurt when you touch them, but the ones that have smoother surfaces. I had a little cactus at my parent’s home in Canada when I was young. It may still be there. Cactuses live so long and are quite strong. They really […]