In January of 2010 I was asked about joining the local volunteer fire corps, and having been a POC (Paid on Call) firefighter in Canada for 5 years, I was excited to learn about Japanese firefighting techniques and fire corps SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). Plus I thought it would be a great opportunity to meet […]
A Big Fire in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki and Thank You to Firefighters
This week has been quite an eventful week here in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki, Hyogo Perefecture, the location of my English conversation (英会話) school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校). First we had snow on Monday which I earlier wrote about here. Then in the very early hours of this morning (around 2:15 am) a fire erupted […]