I really like convenience stores in Japan. They really are convenient. There are so many of them all over the place. They offer many services, including ATMs, a copier/fax, ticket reservations, digital camera prints, bill payment and delivery services. I am teaching English in Japan at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校) and pay school bills […]
English Conversational Skills
I think it’s very useful for Japanese people to know how to speak some English because they stand the chance of being spoken to by a foreigner in English anytime they go out, right here in Japan. On Friday of this week, on of my students told me that two foreigners, both on foot, had greeted her as she […]
Watching CNN News and BBC News in Japan CNNニュースやBBCニュースを楽しんでいます
After coming back home at night, I always enjoy getting the latest news in English on CNN and BBC while having a cup of chai tea and eating a muffin, cake or something else sweet. It’s relaxing and a great way to end the day. I watch CNN News and/or BBC News. My Japanese wife and […]