Smith’s School of English is now providing free online listening lessons for students to practice over and over at home. There are three ways to access these videos. From the Main Site TOEIC Lesson Page 無料TOEICレッスン From the Japanese Blog 無料オンラインTOEICレッスン From the Smith’s School of English YouTube Channel: ssejapan Listening practice is good for all […]
Teamwork Works!
Smith’s School of English – Okamoto Last week John of the Kawanishi school and I (Okamoto School) helped each other to distribute flyers. Though we started at 7:30 a.m. the time went so fast as we enjoyed chatting during the time. The funny thing is that I think just our talking while we worked made […]
英語で考えよう - 日本の未来 - Let’s think in English: Japan’s Future
I recently read an article in TIME magazine about Japan and how, if the current trend continues, the population will drop by 25% to 95 million from the current 127 million by 2050. Also, at that time more than 50% of the population will be over