スミス英会話大津の日本語のサイトはここです。 千晴の部屋はここです。英会話無料レッスンはここです。 Not personalized for you, but personalized for your students. Another thing I picked up from my part-time work at SSE Nagaoka was this great idea:
What is community [in Japan]? スミス英会話大津石山膳所駅
スミス英会話大津の日本語のサイトはここです。 千晴の部屋はここです。英会話無料レッスンはここです。 Before coming to Japan I had never lived anywhere except in my hometown. I coldn’t imagine living in another city, let alone another country. My biggest concern was
Let’s explain about Japanese culture!日本文化を英語で話そう!
When I went abroad for the first time at the age of thirteen, I had to explain about Japanese culture in English. That was when I first realized how difficult it is to talk about my country. Since then, I have been repeatedly talking about Japanese culture to people from all over the world and thanks to that practice I am getting better […]