スミス英会話なかもず校・堺東校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ。 I became interested in photography during high school art classes. The art program was pretty good and the school facilities allowed us to develop our own black and white shots. Ever since school I have wanted to devote more time to improving my photography skills. This feeling has grown stronger since moving to live in Japan, as […]
Sakai City Citizens Marathon 堺シティマラソン
スミス英会話なかもず校・堺東校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ。 Recently, due to an ever expanding waist line, I have decided to get back into an old hobby of mine – running. Even as healthy as Japanese food is, it is not impossible to gain weight whilst living in Japan. After talking to some of my English conversation students (英会話 月謝) at my schools […]
Fishing off Wakayama 和歌山日帰り釣り旅行
スミス英会話なかもず校・堺東校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ。 Last Sunday I joined one of my students from my English conversation school (英会話スクール月謝 ), Smith’s School of English Nakamozu (スミス英会話 なかもず校), for a fishing trip off the Wakayama coast. I was picked up from outside the Nankai Nakamozu (南海線中百舌鳥駅) and Midosuji Nakamozu stations(地下鉄御堂筋線なかもず駅), and we set out for the 2.5 hr drive south. The weather […]