スミス英会話なかもず校・堺東校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ。 I became interested in photography during high school art classes. The art program was pretty good and the school facilities allowed us to develop our own black and white shots. Ever since school I have wanted to devote more time to improving my photography skills. This feeling has grown stronger since moving to live in Japan, as […]
Things To Do List…
スミス英会話なかもず校・堺東校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ。 One of the first things I remember noticing after having lived in Japan for a year was how the four seasons of the year were so defined. Each season provides opportunities to take part in a wide range of events and activities. Some are unique to Japan, and others I was used to doing […]
English Conversation Students Enjoy Wine and Cheese英会話スクールの生徒さん、ワインとチーズを楽しむ
スミス英会話なかもず校・堺東校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ。 Last Saturday night, a small group of students from my English conversation schools (英会話 月謝) came together to enjoy a casual night of wine and cheese tasting. The students all had a good time chatting with other students while eating and drinking. It was a very enjoyable evening. It was the first time that […]