All right, all right so now I’m gonna toot my horn and brag about the stunning view we have had right off our balcony in Koshien. The cherry blossom season has just come to a close, but for a very interesting reason the trees outside our place on our street have continued to be in a decent state of bloom until last Thursday.
The unusual tardiness of the blossoms has to do with two factors. Firstly, they are a hybrid of a later variety known as yaezukaura which have been in bloom until the beginning of last week. As we speak quite a number of yaezakura are still in full bloom here and there. The second factor is the Shingawa, a very cold water, concrete canal running parallel to the street. The cold temperature inside the canal walls makes the cherry trees think they are growing at a higher elevation and causes them to bloom later.
The rains April 22 have taken their toll so this picture is already just a memory. Oh well! Summer here we come!
Martin Werner Zander, Partner Smith’s School of English Franchises
Owner, Smith’s School Kotoen
月謝制のスミス英会話 甲東園校 仁川 門戸厄神 逆瀬川
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