Studying English at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi Before Studying English and Working in Canada
Not long ago at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi, I got great news from Honoka, an English student of mine. She has been studied English with me for 2.5 years. Honoka announced she would go to Canada in about a year to study English and work. I am always happy when my students of English say that they are going to study English abroad. I’m especially happy when it’s in Canada, my home country! (^.^) I asked her if she would continue studying English at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi until she left for Canada. She answered, “Yes!” Wonderful! Helping my English students prepare for studying English or living abroad is something I like to do in Tsukaguchi. You can read about another student I helped prepare for studying English abroad by clicking here.
The Benefits of Studying at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi Before Studying English and Working Abroad
Here in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki, Japan, my English conversation school is a great place for students of English to get the English conversational skills and confidence needed for work, trips abroad, etc. However I think the best way to learn English is to live in an English-speaking country. There, they can hear and speak English all day long which can really speed up the English learning process. In addition, they can experience a new culture. However living abroad with no or very little English conversational ability could be tough. Studying English at my English conversation school in Japan beforehand is a great way to get English conversational skills and confidence that can make the initial part of their stay abroad easier.
I look forward to helping Honoko further improve her English to help prepare her for her stay in Canada. (^.^)
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
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