On the 20th of December, Smith’s School of English, Ohtsu (スミス英会話大津) held a Christmas Party at our favorite local restaurant, Tokorogadokkoi (Alplaza Otsu 6F). SSE Ohtsu students, friends and families gathered for this special event and enjoyed fantastic meals, drinks, and each other’s company.
The party started with Edward’s speech in JAPANESE and then everyone introduced himself/herself in ENGLISH. It was a good opportunity for our students to show their English improvements and they did very well.
The venue’s chef is a good friend of ours so he worked very hard to prepare wonderful meals for us. I told him what I’d like to eat in advance and he cooked everything I wished for!! We asked our favorite local bakery, HIRO (Alplaza Otsu 1F), to bake a Christmas cake just for our party, too! When the cake was delivered, everyone in the restaurant cheered and started to take pictures of the cake with their cell phones. The cake was very tasty and beautiful 🙂
Without Tokorogadokkoi and HIRO’s wonderful and warm assistance, we could not have organized such a wonderful party. Ever since we started managing SSE Ohtsu, they have been very supportive in many ways, and we are very grateful. I believe that such friendly and strong ties to our community not only make our teaching environment comfortable but also enrich students’ learning environment.
I was very happy to see that everyone was having a good time and communicating not only in their native language but also in English. This successful party convinced me that our fun events play an important role in making people feel more comfortable using English as a communication tool while having a good time.
I would like to say “thank you” to everyone who shared such a joyful Christmas party with us!
Chiharu, SSE Ohtsu
スミス英会話大津 チハル
It sounds like you had a great time at that party. And I am sure that your students did too! Keep up the good work!
On the note of community, I also have enjoyed working with the local restaurants and businesses. One of the pasta restaurants near the local station recently let me put my flyers out next to the register. The head chief is a student at the Tsukaguchi school so he was very kind to let me do that. I have to say “thanks” to Derek for doing such a wonderful job of teaching him. His English is really good and he was so kind.
Al, SSE Okamoto
Oops! Not head “chief”. I meant head “chef”. I guess English teachers are human too?!
You are most welcome. That’s great! Keep up the great work!
SSE Tsukaguchi