It’s great that Smith’s started this Soapbox. It allows me to share ideas with other teachers, students, friends, family and anyone with access to the internet. In high school I often asked people to help me out in the classes I found tough so this is my way of giving back. I do my best to write to educate, offer advice or simply entertain people with these posts and I wanted to thank everyone who’s reading this for taking the time to do so. An unexpected joy I have found is that sometimes students have noticed a few typos as I write these entries late at night or quickly between classes. Great job!! I always tell my students that teachers (especially me) aren’t perfect and I encourage them to point out my errors.
Thanks everyone.
Edward says
This would be a good opportunity to challenge your students to figure out the expression “Pobody’s Nerfect”.
I agree with you 100% on the power of the Soapbox to educate, as well as offering to us teachers an opportunity to share our knowledge and ideas with each other, our students, and the ESL industry as a whole.
Looking forward to your next post,
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
Al Bartle says
I could not agree with you more. The soapbox is really great for us to share ideas, educate others and learn a lot from each other. It is also great for our students to read the posts and think of their own comments to share in future lessons. By the way, the artwork you always include is simply the best I have every seen!
Al, SSE-Okamoto
Derek says
You are most welcome. I agree. The Soapbox is also a great place for us to show readers what we as proud Smith’s franchise owners do here in Japan.
I have some students that regularly read the Soapbox now, which is great! I thank them for their interest and support!
SSE Tsukaguchi