Today we had snow in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, the location of my English conversation (英会話) school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校). Snow is rare here and even rarer is snow that doesn’t melt right away because the temperature is usually above freezing here in Tsukaguchi, even in the wintertime. However today it’s colder than usual. As I write this post it’s about 0 degrees Celsius with light rain outside and I can still see some snow in some places, mostly on roofs of cars and buildings. Earlier today it snowed like crazy! Wow! It reminded me of snow in my home country Canada! I told my wife Akemi that it was kind of exciting to have something like that happen. After all, we don’t usually have that kind of weather in Tsukaguchi. As long as no one gets hurt, I think it’s not that bad to have some unusual weather once in a while. It adds spice to our lives and makes us appreciate good weather more when we have it. (^.^)
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
月謝制英会話のスミス英会話塚口校 (尼崎市の英会話スクール)
Be sure to check out my English school’s web site photos, videos and event pages at !
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