We woke up today to a fresh sheet of snow covering all of Shiga prefecture. The crisp air and clean blanket of snow covering the land made me feel refreshed… and reminiscent. Although my hometown, Nanaimo BC, doesn’t get a lot of snow, I have missed annual snow days and today was so nice to wake up to. On top of that, it was my son’s first snow experience. He turned 1 year old last month and is now walking and babbling and just the sweetest little thing. Every day he does something new- he is growing and learning so quickly it makes my head spin. So this morning we bundled him up and went to the park, where we met up with some other kids and parents, threw snowballs, made snowmen and enjoyed the fluffy snow. Interesting to learn that in japan snowmen are made with 2 balls, whereas in Canada we make them with 3 balls! It’s always the small differences that amaze me. Well- time to go to work and talk about snow with my English students. Hope you have a good day- enjoy the snow!
Edward, SSE otsu
Mark Smith says
I love watching children take their first steps out into the snow. Their faces are priceless. Nice to see the gloves on in this photo. As the story goes the moment I woke to my first snow I jumped out of the living room doors before Mum could stop me and grabbed myself a nice big scoop of this chilly, white…..wait a minute it’s burning my hands, Mamaaaaa!