On Sunday, September 14th, 2008 I went grape picking in Okayama Prefecture with my wife, her cousin, her mother and her mother’s friend. We had a great time!
Here’s a picture of me picking some grapes.
9月14日の日曜日、私は岡山までぶどう狩りに行きました。 それは私の妻、妻の従姉妹、妻のお母さん、そしてお母さんの友達も一緒の、にぎやかでとても楽しいぶどう狩りでした。
After picking the grapes, we packed them up. First, we put them into a kind of plastic and paper wrapping. My wife’s mother kindly showed us how to do this.
ぶどう狩りのあと、私達はその袋詰めも体験させてもらいました。 まず、下が紙で上がセロファンの、そうです、売っているぶどうが包まれているあの袋に摘んだぶどうを入れました。 妻のお母さんは丁寧に包み方を教えてくれました。
Check out this heart-shaped grape my wife found! Isn’t it cute? A Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi School student luckily got to eat it later and was very happy!
私の妻が見つけたこのハート型のぶどうを見てください! 私の生徒さんの一人にこのハート型のぶどうが当たって、その生徒さんはメチャクチャ喜んでいました!
Me with the wrapped grapes ready to put into boxes.
きれいに袋詰めされたぶどうと私です。 このあと箱詰めをします。
Here I am putting them into boxes. Four bunches of grapes went into each box. Each box had to weigh a certain weight.
この写真は私がぶどうを箱詰めしているところです。 一箱に4房ずつ詰めていきます。 一箱の重さは同じにしないといけないので難しい作業です。
Me passing boxes to be sealed.
Sealing the boxes with a special machine.
Boxes sealed and ready to ship out.
The kind of grape, New Pione. They are seedless and very sweet and delicious!
Me standing next to the vineyard.
The following week I offered grapes to my students at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi School in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture. They enjoyed them very much! They were delicious!
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi School
このぶどう狩りの翌週、兵庫県尼崎市のスミス英会話塚口校では生徒の皆さんに、私が持ち帰ったぶどうを味わってもらいました。 生徒さんはとても喜んでぶどうを楽しんでくれました。 本当に美味しかったですよ!
http://www.smithweb.co.jp/school/tsukaguchi.shtml 英会話尼崎市
Edward says
Derek- good times!
I love Japanese grapes, but I found an interesting little cultural difference in grape eating. Japanese people dont eat the skins! I have never seen people peel grapes before! Japan has somany quirks and quarks!
Edward- SSE Ohtsu
Edward says
Derek- good times!
I love Japanese grapes, but I found an interesting little cultural difference in grape eating. Japanese people dont eat the skins! I have never seen people peel grapes before! Japan has so many quirks and quarks!
Edward- SSE Ohtsu