Who are these 2 guys in the photo? The one on the left is me, Derek. I teach English at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi and at Smith’s School of English Kawanishi. On the right is Al. He teaches English at Smith’s School of English Okamoto.
Al and I work together on promotion for our English schools. We’ve have been doing so twice a week for about 4 months now, working all through the hot summer months. Why, you may ask? It’s quite simple really: we both share the same passion for teaching English and want as many students as possible at our Smith’s English schools in Okamoto, Tsukaguchi and Kawanishi! (^.^)
Working together has been great. We’ve been able to do more work together than we would have been able to do by ourselves and also support each other. In addition, we’ve enjoyed many conversations together over brunch after our work sessions together, talking about teaching English in Japan, our English schools and our families. Al really is a nice guy and a great teacher. His students are in good hands in Okamoto.
If you happen to see Al or me somewhere in Okamoto, Tsukaguchi or Kawanishi, please do come and introduce yourself to us in English or in Japanese. Both Al and I know some Japanese so don’t be shy! Oh and of course we would be delighted to have you come study English at our English schools too! (^.^) We hope to meet you soon!
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