I had a class with three green level and red level students yesterday, all of whom have been with us for at least 2 years and know each other quite well. I did not need to worry about creating a nice atmosphere because the moment I welcomed them into my classroom, a natural chitchat conversation flowed.
E.T. B1 and C44 – From Smith’s School of English One Point Series
After we reviewed the one-points from last week, which were B1 for the two ladies and C44 for the gentleman, I brought out the blue folder and I heard some giggles from one of the ladies. She knew what I was up to apparently! Yes, the routine!
Routine 9 – From Smith’s School of English Routine Series
I decided on routine 9 for this lesson because they had all done it once before and I wanted to introduce all the questions and then work on story telling out of context. Once I made sure everyone understood what I intended to do, we set out on the task. First I dictated the 10 questions to my students, then they took turns to ask each other questions according to the story, then I asked them to ask me the same questions and I gave them a story out of context. They were all having a good time asking me questions and getting the whole story out of me, two of them even asked additional questions from the some of the previous classes. I then asked each of them to prepare a bar story according to the questions. I could see the shocked look on their faces, but I told them that could do this. Anyway, about 10 minutes later, I heard three different stories about bar visits! They all made small mistakes in their story-telling, and I picked out two mistakes for each of them and put them down on the board. So at the end of the lesson, we went through the 6 mistakes before someone brought up a question about “used to” and “be used to”. I asked the others if they had any idea and one of them managed to explain the difference, we also came up with two examples.
One Point B17 – From Smith’s School of English One Point Series
I had planned to do shopping 1 as an item, but it took longer than I thought to do the routine. I knew I had barely enough time to do the one-point. I was going to introduce B13 as the one-point, but I thought under the circumstance, it was a lot better to use B17- I am (not) used to (A) because (B).
Anyway, I had to make changes to my lesson plan, but overall I think the lesson was not too bad because I made everyone to speak!
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