Singing popular songs in English is one good way to improve a student’s English ability. I wrote down the lyrics and also the Japanese translations of “Beyonce’s “If I were a boy”. I included the audio track of her song too. It is good for students to try to sing the song along with her in a loud voice, while thinking about the meaning of the lyrics in English. I am sure it will be a lot of fun for students of English. Enjoy! To read in Japanese Click the link to the right–>音楽で英語を学ぶ/
Video of the song with Lyrics in English and Japanese
English Lyrics Japanese Translation
If I were a boy 私が男の子だったら
Even just for a day ほんの1日でも
I’d roll out of bed in the morning 朝、ベッドから起き出し
And throw on what I wanted and go 気の向くままの格好して
Drink beer with the guys 男友達と飲みに出かけるの
And chase after girls もちろん女の子も追いかけて
I’d kick it with who I wanted 好きな相手と遊んでも
And I’d never get confronted for it それで責められたりはしない
Because they’d stick up for me 仲間がかばってくれるからね
If I were a boy 私が男の子だったら
I think I could understand 私にもわかると思う
How it feels to love a girl 女の子を愛するってどんな気分か
I swear I’d be a better man 私ならもっといい男になろうって誓うし
I’d listen to her 彼女の話にも耳を傾ける
Cause I know how it hurts どれだけ辛いか分かっているから
When you lose the one you wanted 自分が愛していた人を失うことが
Cause he’s taken you for granted 彼氏に甘く見られたせいで
And everything you had got destroyed 手にしていたもの全てを壊されたの
If I were a boy 私が男の子だったら
I would turn off my phone 電話の電源を切り
Tell everyone its broken 皆には電話が壊れてるんだって言っておくわ
So they think そうすれば皆
that I was sleeping alone 私が独り寝してると思うでしょ
I’d put myself first とにかく自分優先主義で
And make the rules as I go 自分の思い通りにルールを作るの
Cause I know that she’d be faithful どちらにしろ、彼女は浮気もせずに
Waiting for me to come home (to come home) 私の帰りを待ってるだろうから
If I were a boy 私が男の子だったら
I think I could understand 私にも分かると思う
How it feels to love a girl 女の子を愛するってどんな気分か
I swear I’d be a better man 私ならもっといい男になろうって誓うし
I’d listen to her 彼女の話にも耳を傾ける
Cause I know how it hurts どれだけ辛いか分かっているから
When you lose the one you wanted 自分が愛していた人を失うことが
Cause he’s taken you for granted 彼氏に甘く見られたせいで
And everything you had got destroyed 手にしたもの全てを壊されたの
It’s a little too late for you to come back 寄りを戻そうなんてちょっと遅すぎるのよ
Say its just a mistake 間違いを認めたからって
Think I forgive you like that 私が簡単に許すとでも思ってるの
If you thought I would wait for you 私があなたを待っていると思っていたのなら
You thought wrong 自分のことを買いかぶりすぎなのよ
But you’re just a boy でもあなたは未熟な男の子
You don’t understand 分かっちゃいないの
How it feels to love a girl 女の子を愛するとどんな気分になるかそのうちわかるわ
Someday you’ll wish you were a better man もっとマシな男だったら良かったって思うはず
You don’t listen to her 彼女の話に耳を傾けず
You don’t care how it hurts 苦痛にも無頓着なんでしょうね
Until you lose the one you wanted 自分が愛していた人を失うことが
Cause you’ve taken her for granted あなたが彼女を甘く見ていたせいで
And everything you had got destroyed あなたが手にしていた全てがぶち壊されるのよ
But you’re just a boy… あなたは半人前の男の子
Edward says
As a karaoke lover I think this is fantastic. I’ve already had students coming in and telling me they were singing “Al’s favourite Beyonce song”. They told me it was slow and easy to follow and understand (plus I noticed it has great grammar). Another great idea!
Edward, SSE Ohtsu