Hello everyone! Well Christmas is almost here and I can’t remember a year that had so much cheer! And today is our last day of teaching for the year and I wish all the staff, teachers and of course students many best wishes for the holiday season and look forward to a very productive year in 2011!!
For those of you interested in historical places, and a great many of my sightseeing road trips in Japan have focused on artifacts of UNESCO heritage or National Treasure, I challenge anyone to take a guess what and where this might be. It is a unique structure and the type of ceremony held in it was also considered unique and it therefore qualified for a UNESCO World Heritage nomination both for its architectural value as well as its cultural significance.
The colors shown are historically correct, and the painting was done during a fairly recent and on-going restoration that began at the site earlier this decade. The entire complex is huge and can easily take most of a day to visit, but if you make the special trip to see it, I recommend to take your time and go to extreme north end where the newly constructed National Museum of Cultural History was recently opened. It really is a very nice place and there is even a wonderful 3-storey Starbuck’s nearby displaying contemporary art from the regions. Very cool!
Martin Werner Zander, Partner in the Smith’s School of English Company
Owner, Smith’s School of English Franchise in Kotoen
月謝制のスミス英会話 甲東園校 仁川 門戸厄神 逆瀬川
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