Some of you may know that one of my major personal interests is astronomy and surprisingly there are several English Conversation students at the Smith’s School of English in Kotoen スミス英会話 甲東園 who are also interested. Vocabulary is probably the limiting point in most cases so the required vocabulary for the following lesson is studied first.
The science of astronomy is likely one of the most complicated topics there is, but the beauty of it is that it does not need to be difficult and not much study is needed in order to be a part of it. Practical astronomy is fun.
The Smith’s School of English in Kotoen スミス英会話 甲東園 plans to have two star parties this year to make up for all the poor-weather cancelations in 2015. The desire was there, but mother nature couldn’t let us follow through with our hopes. In a post-El-Ninyo year, it is quite possible to get improved sky conditions and so 2016 promises to be better. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!
Smith’s School of English in Kotoen 月謝制 Real Monthly Tuition English Conversation School
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