Yesterday I was tossing up between going to Shinjuku or Shibuya to see Inception or Salt and I’m so pleased that I elected to see Salt.
From the moment the Bourne style movie started to its end it was action packed and breathlessly riveting.
Angela Jolie was fantastic and was the only performer in the movie whose name was familiar to me. She was so athletic and reminded me a bit of 007 in the James Bond movies. Becareful Brad she had some superb new moves and I’m not talking about chess moves.
Directed by Phillip Noyce the movie had numerous twists and turns.and held my attention for its entire 100 minutes – I enjoyed it very very much no in fact I loved it. I highly recommend it to you as the best movie I have seen in the last 12 months
See Kaori Shoji’s Japan Times review
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