Students at Smith’s Katsura (スミス英会話 桂) always like to try different kinds of fun English lessons. For example, reading a short article from English newspapers. It’s good to see students read an article and then have an English conversation about it. It’s even better when the article is related to Japan. Like this one from three weeks ago.
Uplifting story describing one morning at a train station north of Tokyo. Great piece about commuters and station staff pulling together in order to free one unfortunate woman. A story with a happy end. Perfect item for a joyful English lesson.
With this article students can learn useful travelling vocabulary (platform, public announcement, commuter, delay …), and have fun!
People in Japan are often kind and try to help others. Even during a rush hour. Here is my personal experience from Katsura station(桂駅). After teaching my evening lessons, one very kind man helped me to get home late at night.
If you have any recommendations for more articles suitable for lessons at Smith’s School of English Katsura(桂), please let me know.
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