In 1989 my family and I moved to Bangkok. It was quite a big change for all of us, the biggest was the lack of TV shows and movies in English. As my parents were both busy it became my weekly family task to head to the video store across town and pick up enough stuff to last us for the week. My best friend, Arthur, was a member of another video store so we often ended up exchanging our rentals. Sometimes he would give me a call and tell me what a “great” movie he’d seen so I’d ask him to bring it along with him to school the next day. As we shared the same taste in movies most of the time he was right. Over time though I found that nearly all the movies he enjoyed were “great” or “awesome” so I’d have high expectations going in and found myself disappointed at times. I guess I started rating my movies when I recommended them to others.
Last week I wrote about a few movies that I had seen recently but one of my students mentioned that he wasn’t sure what my scores actually meant. So I thought I’d write a little post about my movie rating system to clear up any confusion.
Basically I like the “1 to 10” style. 10 being the best and one being the atrocious.
9.0 and up = MUST SEE, worth watching more than 2 times. (“Shawshank Redemption”, “Gladiator”, “Aliens”, “Groundhog Day”, “Saw” and “Remember the Titans” to name just a few)
8.0 – 8.9 = Excellent movies, worth watching twice. (“Bad Boys”, “Iron Man”, “High School Musical”, “Unknown”)
7.0 – 7.9 = Enjoyable movies, worth watching once. (“X-Men”, “Wall-E”, “Hancock”)
6.0 – 6.5 = Just ok, acceptable if you’ve got nothing else to do. (“Indiana Jones 4”, “Quantum of Solace”)
Anything below a 6.0 is not worth your time.
In case you haven’t seen any of the movies that I mentioned that are above 8.0 I hope you’ll give them a try if you have time.
You’ve reminded me of a little “ratings compliment” I used to use for fun. For example:
On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d give Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” an 11!
On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d give your English ability a 12!
Just a fun little way to make people think and laugh at the same time.
I agree with the movies you have ranked above. Personally, I would also add “Hi-Fidelity” with John Cusack and “Gross Pointe Blank” also with John Cusack and “The Princess Bride” to the list of 9.0 and up. Check ’em out.
Edward, SSE Ohtsu