Today was a very proud moment for me as a teacher at the Smiths English Conversation School in Azamino あざみ野英会話. One of the things that I really enjoy about my job is seeing my students become successful, especially when their English helps them achieve this success. This afternoon I attended the going away party of one of my students in Shibuya who was chosen to go to abroad for JICA, in large part due to her English ability. During the party she gave an English presentation, which she wrote all in English, and translated it into Japanese for an audience of more than 60 people. Amazing to see how much progress she has made. However it’s even more amazing how she’s going to use her English ability, and help people in a very poor country. She truly has a big heart, and I know she is going to do amazing things in this program. I am very thankful to have known her, and honoured to be her friend. Another thing great about today was my other students coming out to support her too! She will be very missed.
I wish her all the best, and I look forward to visiting her when she’s working abroad!!
Owner/Teacher (英語の先生/フランチャイズ店のオーナー経営者)
Smith’s English School (スミス英会話 あざみ野校)
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