I have been relaxing in England for the past few days. In that time Mark Smith, my wife and the Smith’s team have been doing their part in promoting our school here in Otsu. Obviously I’d like to be there to help out. But that’s the whole idea about Smith’s and its system to give you the freedom to do what you want when you like.
That in mind I’m not stressed out at all knowing they are doing a great job in my absence. If it were my own school and business there would have been no way I could just return home at such an important time.
It goes to show I have definitely made the right choice especially it gives me peace of mind. With any luck everything will go smoothly and upon my return there will be just a few things I need to iron out.
Thanks again Mark and the Smith’s team for doing such a fantastic job. There’s no way I could have done it without you guys.
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