Kyoto has many good places for picnics. People like to stay by the Kamo river or in one of many beautiful city parks. Students at Smith’s Katsura(スミス英会話 桂) like to have a picnic with some friendly English conversation. Because our school is about having fun both inside and outside the classroom, we sometimes meet and spend more time together.
In April, we decided to have a “sakura picnic” in the park around the Imperial Palace. The park wasn’t too busy and we found a great place. Soft green grass under a big sakura tree. We had the place just for us. My wife and daughter came too, and I could introduce them to my students. My daughter was so excited to play with so many people. She is still very young and speaks very little, but I asked students to talk to her in English. They could try to use their English conversation skills with a little child. Thank you all for the effort!
We stayed in the park for a couple of hours, but the weather became little colder around 4 pm so we decided to clean up and go home. My family and I had a nice time and I’m looking forward to our next picnic.
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