I found a great phrase cards lesson plan in the English Lesson Plans section from Gideon at Kyobashi. I have used it several times and really enjoyed it, as did my students. I have now expanded on it, and added a couple more sets.
In summary, here’s how i run this lesson.
1. Write the paragraph on the board, and have students copy it into their notebooks.
2. Explain to the students that 5 pieces have been removed from the paragraph. Ask them to try to figure out where the 5 pieces are missing from. As they find them, label them 1 to 5 (in order) on the board.
3. Give the students the 5 japanese phrase cards. Ask them to figure out which japanese card best fits into each of the 5 spots.
4. Confirm they are correct, then give them the English phrase cards. Match these up with the japanese, confirm they are correct. Finally have the students read the paragraph with the correct english phrases included.
5. Assign the phrase cards as homework, either 5 sentences or 5 questions, and you are done the item section of your lesson!
Gideon posted a nice paragraph for phrase cards 436-440. I am now adding my ideas for some other phrase cards. Enjoy! Remember to try these out yourself and understand what all the phrases mean before taking them to your students….. you may decide to adjust them!
301-305 (Fish for, Linger on, Mark down, Plan on, Report to).
My boss wants me to interview Asashyoryu. So I read the newspaper and his schedule for tomorrow. I catching him as he leaves the gym after the tournament. I get him cornered and something to say to start the interview. We the weather for a few minutes then he excuses himself and I have no interview! Now I have to my boss that I failed.
306-310 (Sign up, Tone up, Waltz Through, Do yourself up, Live off).
I got an invitation to a wedding, so I decided to in my best tuxedo. Since the last time I wore my tux, I had been life and donuts and pizzamon. I couldn’t do up my pants or button up my jacket. Uh oh! So I decided to at a gym and my body. I intended to look my best at the wedding!
311-315 (Max out your credit, Plot out, Return to, Sleep in, Touch up).
I needed to my party planning skills, so I decided to a fun evening for my friend’s birthday at our favourite bar. Unfortunately we drank too much and I with the bar, so I had to my house to get more money so we could continue to party. This wasn’t a great idea- the next morning I and was late for work.
316-320 (Water down, Drain off, Live up to, Meet up, Plough through).
Last night I with my friend Chris at an izakaya. Chris is heavy drinker, and he his reputation by 14 bottles of beer. Fortunately Mama-san a quarter of the beer from each bottle and then the alcohol with tonic water, so Chris wasn’t too drunk. Thank god for Mama-san and her clever ways!
401-405 (Fall apart, Help with, Get hurt, Spy on, Under the thumb).
My neighbour, Mike, is very bossy and sneaky. He me everyday, knows so many of my weak points, and gets me totally. Yesterday he ordered me to him a bag. The bag was too heavy with many sharp tools and suddenly it!! A tool fell on his toe and he. It serves him right for treating me that way!
406-410 (Flash back, In need of, Spruce up, Fall for, Fuss over).
My girlfriend and I were on a date yesterday. She herself to go out and looked so beautiful. When we were in a clothing store, she how her clothes are out of fashion and asked me to buy her new clothes. Then my thoughts to my ex-girlfriend, Lisa. She was always of the most fashionable clothes, too! Oh no…..It seems that I tend to a similar girl.
436-440 (Nose Around, Impressed with, Putting by, Lock yourself out, Kick back).
I saw a man my neighbour’s house. At first I thought that he had , but then I realized that he was actually the house. My neighbours were very wealthy as they had been their earnings over the years so that they could and retire to the south of France.
446-450 (Anxious about, Crash into, Burdened with, Pull out, Addicted to).
I was very my upcoming trip to Italy. Lately I had been many tasks at work. But because I am traveling abroad, I couldn’t of my travel plans. As I was so busy and excited, on the way to the airport I another car and broke my leg. My trip was ruined!
471-475 (Pick up after, Careful of, Jealous of, Fall on hard times, Short changed).
Recently, my friend has. First he lost his job, then his wife divorced him. Growing up, he always felt he had been in life, and as I was from a wealthy family, he was always me. So I am always not hurting his feelings. But this time I told him that he had to himself and get his life back on track.
As you may have read in my article “Help Me! I’m new“, i have only been teaching the Smith’s Curriculum for a few months, and am really looking for ideas from more experienced Smith’s teachers and owners, so i’m setting another STAG for all teachers and owners, to help both myself and other new teachers:
STAG for March Week 2: post 1 paragraph as above with your favourite phrase card set! (please post in “English Lesson Plans“)
Al Bartle from Okamoto and Gavin from Kyobashi have also added some excellent comments about how to spice up Phrase Card Lessons in Phrase Lessons Can be Fun and Really Help the Students!
Thanks- Edward (FC Ohtsu)
It is really great to see you enjoying the lesson plans. I can tell from these posts that you are not simply presenting the lesson but that you are fully engaged in bringing the most fun and benefit possible to your students. Thank you.
Mark Smith.