Love it ! Display it ! Like it ! Flaunt it ! Use it ! Wave it ! It’s effective and fun ! Costs nearly nothing so it’s cost-benefit is infinite ! Hang it up! It has no pretention, only genuine integrity ! Our values are sound and our offer is simple and fair !
These are among the so many reasons why the Smith’s School of English Franchise is my favourite option for teaching English in Japan. There is pride first and foremost, in doing the best job possible. There is a deference to client need no other school can fully demonstrate.
We offer fairness, integrity, value and a determined spirit from all our coaches. These are basic to us. What other language training system can honestly say that every one of their instructors is committed to doing their best for the student at all times!?
If I were a student of English, I would want a teacher who is kind, gentle, high-spirited, fun-loving and sincere but also has the qualities of a professional determined to do the utmost for my needs and expectations. Integrity is top-priority. Dependability is 100%. Value is second to none. Transparency is a given. Rapport is high. Efficacy is top-notch. Why would any student want to go anywhere else?
Looking forward to reading your comments below!
Martin Werner Zander, Smith’s Partner
Owner, Smith’s School in Kotoen
Well said, Martin. I 100% agree.
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
Thanks Derek!
Agree, it’s a great logo. In fact, I’m planning to order some white ceramic mugs with it on one side, url on the other for classroom come winter. Interested parties, drop me a line! Depending on volume, JPY300~500 @.