This year we had another successful trip to Vietnam where 11 students and their family joined. The youngest was 1 years old and the oldest was 66. Most of them came for about a week, but a family of 4 traveled with us for the entire 15 days, how fantastic. We had an amazing timetouring several world heritage sites, and many cities. We first visited the capital city of Hanoi, and enjoyed site seeing, eating delicious food, and experienced the nightlife. During this time we also took a day trip to the amazing temple of Trang An and took a boat tour down a river and through many caves.

Then we went to Hai Phong, and spend 2 days in a small village and experience the local life. After that we went to Da Nang, and relaxed on the beach, ate a lot of sea food, and got a massage nearly every day. We also took a day trip to the historic cities of Hoi An and Hue. Overall it was a wonderful trip and my students really got to experience another culture unlike a package tour. They were also able to get the confidence to do a similar trip by themselves, not to mention got to use their english every day. Our best trip yet!!!
Owner/Teacher (英語の先生/フランチャイズ店のオーナー経営者)
Smith’s English School (スミス英会話 あざみ野校)

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