It’s test time again! For all company employees and Sophomores, it should not be much of a surprise that a new TOEIC test format is upon us starting in May!
The Smith’s School of English in Kotoen スミス英会話 甲東園 gets regular enquiry for test help, mostly I think because Kotoen is Education Central, but also because the word has gotten round that lessons at my school are consistently helpful. Just yesterday I had two existing students ask about the new test as well as one new student joining now with an eye towards getting a TOEIC score for work. Thanks to the new test, veteran TOEIC people who have for a long while been content with their existing scores are looking to come back into it again.
Studying for TOEIC is a worthy challenge, and a clear direction given by a skilled coach committed to identifying the right way to help students reach their goals is a by far the best strategy. This test puts pressure on people to improve their working English and I really love helping everyone improve their scores and assist with their career and educational objectives.
A Smith’s School of English Franchise is the ideal platform on which to do this job.
Martin Werner Zander
Smith’s School of English Kotoen 月謝制 Real Monthly Tuition English Conversation School
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