My English school in Ohtsu does well. I live comfortably and am very content with what I do. I never have to work too hard, and I have the freedom to do as I please, teach as and when I please, and relax accordingly.
Possibly one of the most difficult parts of running your own business is finding the motivation to “get up and go” in the morning. It’s easy to sleep in, work the easy schedule you have set for yourself, come home, and go to bed. The biggest problem with owning your own English school (or any business), is getting into a rut where you are stuck, you just can’t get up and go in the morning.
I’m not a businessman. I’m an English teacher. So recently when I found myself in this rut, I was a bit distraught. Life was so good, so where would I find the motivation to get up earlier, go to bed later, do MORE to promote my English school? Not only that, if I had the energy, the “extra strong good morning get up and go gears”, what would I do? How would I go about promoting my business. I’m not a businessman. I’m an English teacher.
And then I received a fax from our franchise head office. They had put another of their fantastic business ideas into motion, and this was enough to get my brain going, get me up early and get me to join them. Head office had literally pulled me out of bed, motivated me, given me a direction to go in and even given me a shove out the door.
And then I got a phone call from a fellow franchisee. He asked if he could come up and check out our English school, have lunch with us, discuss promotional ideas and curriculum, and help us with some local promotions. This phone call, and subsequent visit, was like a shot of adrenelin into the arm of an athlete who is already sprinting down the track. I feel genki (energetic) and ready to, my head is full of great ideas and inspiration, and I can feel the support of my fellow franchisees and head office with every step.
It feels good to be part of a team, especially this one. I was standing still, but my English school wasn’t, and this is what keeps everything in my business life moving forward, towards further success.
Edward, SSE Ohtsu Owner/ Teacher
Thanks for having me…despite the weather I hope that the flyering I did gives your school a boost. If you need anything just let me know.