I am not artistic.
But sometimes i am inspired, and with the help of a friend or a pc, i can create art. Recently i was inspired to make something to personalise the classrooms in my school, Smith’s Ohtsu.
I made a simple sandblasted 2 colour mirror with the Smith’s logo and the location of my school. Sandblasting mirror is something of a lost art form, with only very specialised artisans doing this kind of work. Fortunately my father is a glazier, and he taught me how to make sandblasted mirror. Now i don’t claim to be an expert, but if i am patient i can make half-decent mirrors. This was my first 2 colour mirror, and i was quite happy with the results.
The process is fairly simple. Start with a plain mirror. Cover the back of the mirror with painter”s tape (masking tape), 2 layers. Then draw on your design. Make sure you invert it, because it will invert onto the front of the mirror. The first mirror i made was a gift for my then girlfriend, and i made this mistake and her name was backwards! Anyway- next gently cut out your design with a sharp utility knife (Japan is famous for Olfa cutter, which is what i use). At this point you should have a nice inverted picture on the back of the mirror. Then you need to sandblast the backing off the mirror. This will give you a clear picture from the from. I then paint the back of the mirror, with the colour being nicely absorbed by the newly opened pores of the glass. And voila! Beautiful professional looking sandblasted mirror! Enjoy the pictures- and keep up the good work.
Edward Iwaskow- Smith’s School of English Ohtsu
moderator says
Derek says
Very nice work Edward!
Derek Maeckelburg
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi