I like to mix things up from time to time. Switch up lessons, switch seating arrangements, switch drinks. Recently I’ve come up with a few new flyer designs, as have Mark and Tim and a few other owners, and I just wanted to mention them so other school owners know to order them. One is a map of Japan and a list of ALL Smith’s locations- let ’em know that although we are local and friendly, we have big support from head office and many other Smith’s schools and that we are a growing company. Another is a map of the Kansai area and a list of all the Kansai area schools. Same thing here. Flyers mentioning the Smith’s Curriculum are great. We’re NOT an English cafe, we are a deeply planned and curriculum backed school system Another Mark design totes our 15 year anniversary this year- letting everyone know we have being doing this a long time and we are successful. So contact head office and order a new design, a new colour, something eye-catching! Mix it up and see what happens!
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