Here is Martin Werner Zander of the Smith’s School of English in Kotoen スミス英会話 甲東園 just to give you all a quick heads-up on an important event about to start. Have a look at the link below to see the school:
For those of you who have not yet been to Kyoto’s former Imperial Palace grounds, next week offers an unusually extended opportunity to visit it. It appears from initial forecasts that the weather is going to be good, and with the humungous crowds expected, I would advise going during the week days if it is at all possible. My alternate recommendation would be to arrive as early as possible and get through the site before the tour buses arrive.
The easiest access is to get off at Hankyu Karasuma Station and walk north for about 15 minutes into the Marutamachi area. The subway to that station can also be taken if you’re coming in on JR or Keihan.
You really only need a maximum of two hours for entry to exit, and even ninety minutes can be enough if you’re in a rush. It is also a nice place to just sit and contemplate things, though the amount of actual sitting places will be at a minimum in an effort to keep the flow moving. Go early on Friday morning and avoid Sunday Nov 2 if at all possible.
Smith’s School of English Kotoen 月謝制 Real Monthly Tuition English Conversation School
スミス英会話 甲東園 甲東園校 仁川
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