Yesterday I read a nice posting by Carol McBride from Smith’s School of English in Kamishinjo praising the generosity of Japanese people and I have to agree with her 100%!
I have been shown generosity in this country so many times I have lost count!
There are some people here in Japan who have done so much for me I can never begin to repay them.
In addition to this virtue, I would like to point out that I personally especially appreciate the extreme patience that so many Japanese people have shown to me over the past 6 years.
Here is an example:…
A couple of days ago I had to send a wire transfer from an Osaka bank to a bank in Kagawa Prefecture, and it had to be done from the front desk and not from an ATM.
I went with a Japanese friend who offered to help me out with the forms.
10 minutes and we were finished!
But, later that day I received a phone call from the bank informing me that by mistake we had forgotten to add a hyphen after the last letter of the person’s name who would be receiving the transfer and the lady on the phone told me I had to come back and fill out the forms again.
Earlier today I went back to the bank. This time I was alone.
The lady at the front desk immediately understood the purpose of my visit and pulled out several forms. She told me I would have to fill out all of the forms again.
I was shocked! I was not looking forward to this experience.
I kindly explained to her that I can speak Japanese ok but that I cannot really write kanji.
She smiled and said “no problem” and that she would help me.
For security reasons she could not write the kanji for me but she slowly wrote out each character for me on a separate piece of paper in a VERY large size so I could s-l-o-w-l-y copy them onto the form.
I felt like a 6 year old child receiving a writing lesson!
It took us about 20 minutes to complete all of the paperwork but she was smiling and friendly the whole time!
Her patience and friendliness actually made this a great experience for me and I enjoyed it very much.
After we finished the paperwork, she said to me in English “Thank you very much!”
I left the bank with a big smile on my face!
Her patience with me was amazing and I cannot think of any other place in the world where the people are so patient with people who are not fluent in the country’s language.
I think Japanese people are so patient with us as we come to this country and often have no idea what we are doing!
This patient bank clerk’s kindness made my day!
Alex Stanciu
アレックス スタンシュー
Smith’s School of English Nara – Saidaiji
月謝制 の スミス 英会話 奈良 - 西大寺校
http://www.smithweb.co.jp/school/saidaiji.shtml 英会話 西大寺 奈良市
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