So if you are thinking about what it takes to build a school, take a look at this video. It shows an example of what I have done after taking over an existing school. The Okamoto school has been open since August 2004 and is currently operating well on the KISS principle and a lot of sweat equity. I think anyone who is serious about working hard to make a business succeed can do what I have done. But the TANSTAFL principle definitely applies. If you do not provide a good service as a coach of your students, you will not succeed. If you do not promote your school, it will die also.
It has been a lot of fun and I have really enjoyed teaching and building this school. As the video shows, I have a lot of special events and a “Night Out” event almost every week to allow my students to get a lot of practice speaking and listening to English. This is so essential for them to really succeed and you too. I really believe in the saying “You get what you give or you reap what you sow”.
Time to get back to work! Enjoy!
Al Bartle (Smith’s School of English – Okamoto)
KISS… Keep it SSimple. We also bought an already developed school and have enjoyed working hard to maintain it and build it up. Keep it Simple is definitely a great motto for success. When we ask head office for advice on… well, anything, they often give us an answer that is simple and proven. I am often reminded that Simple Is Best! For example: “How can i get more students?”… answer “Flyer Flyer Flyer”. “How can i inspire my students to study harder?”… answer “Make it fun”. The KISS motto helps us keep our focus on the simple and very successful techniques that we are taught at Kyobashi Head Office, AND allows us to relax and never work TOO hard. Thanks for the nice reminder Al, and remember to Keep it Simple and set some simple STAGs!
Edward- SSE Ohtsu
Thanks Ed. I am still working on those Phrase sentences that you proposed we all prepare to make teaching the Phrase lessons work better. I will put some up soon. That was a STAG that you proposed. I did not forget. I just got a little busy recently, that’s all!