Preparing to do your listening practise will make it much more effective. Before you start listening practise, be sure to do preparations physically and mentally.
The physical preparations are very important, but also quite easy. What do you need to do your study? First, choose a quiet place to study that has enough space and a good seat. Make sure it is not too hot and not too cold.
Do you need a desk? If you use a computer, you will be better off with a desk and an electrical outlet. Listening practise does not need a lot of time, so you only need space for a few minutes. In fact, a park bench should be good enough sometimes.
Some people advise to do listening practise while you are walking. In that case, preparation is even easier, since you do not need a space.
Then get the things you will need to practise with. Sometimes it is as easy as getting just your MP3 player with the recording on it. Other times you will want your computer and perhaps even internet access.
The last physical arrangement you have is: you have to ensure that you are not bothering other people
with your study, and that they will not bother you while you study. Doing activities like Shadowing or listen-and-repeat can bother other people who are trying to study or work, so you want to be in an area where you will not bother them. Or, you may decide that you will do these activities silently in your head. That is fine, but it is not as effective as speaking out loud while you do your practise.
After physical things, thwe next step is to prepare yourself mentally. Many students think, “That’s easy; just study.”
Of course, you can do that, but there is a much more effective plan. The preparation is easy. Just ask yourself the power study questions, visualize the goal, and say it. Then relax. That will help clarify your goals, and give you more purpose to your studies.
What are the power study questions? Before you study, ask yourself,
What you are going to study?
The answer to this one is easy. Just identify what you plan to listen to.
and why you are going to study it.
This is a bit harder. Now you have to make the target language clear in your mind.
What do you want to gain?
Think about the exact skill you want to gain with the target language.
How do you want to change?
Study is change. What will you be able to do new after you finish studying?
The power study questions help you make your goal clear. Once you have answered them, use the answers to make an image of yourself after you have achieved your goals. Many people find this hard, but they are trying too hard.
For example, you might want to learn the new phrasal verb, “put up with”. They try to imagine speaking and actually hear themselves saying the phrasal verb in their images. This is too much.
Try a lighter approach. Just imagine yourself talking. Imagine that it is English. You don’t have to actually hear the actual words.. just see yourself talking and tell yourself it is English. Tell yourself you are using the phrasal verb comfortably and properly. That’s all. Easy.
Do the visualizing for about 10 to 20 seconds. It should not be a big part of your study time. It is just preparation. It might take longer the first few times but you will get faster as you practise more.
The next step before you start to listen is to relax. There is an easy way to relax quickly.
1. if you are sitting, look at a point on the wall.
2. close your eyes. Relax the muscles aroudn your eyes.
3. imagine those muscles are so relaxed that you cannot open your eyes.
4. you are ready.
Now, while you are listening, I recommend you keep your eyes closed. This helps you put more attention to your listening.
If you are listening while you walk, you need to keep your eyes open, of course. Look straight out, then a few degrees down. Focus on your breathing for a few steps. Then begin your listening.
You have now got a great pre-study routine that helps you prepare for studying and make the most of your study time.
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