For most of my students this evening, it was the last lesson of the year and everyone was excited about the coming holiday. So I decided to have a little chat about holiday plans with my 8pm students before moving on to the loop. Since I am not doing anything special myself, I was glad to just hear about my students’ exciting holiday plans.
One-point: I want to …but I can’t because…
This was easy as we already were talking about traveling and holilday plans, they both laughed when they simutaneously said “I want to have a long long holiday but I can’t because my boss will get very angry.” Well, you’ve got to keep the boss happy!
I picked a pre-intermediate lesson for these two students. Although one of them was a red level student, I thought it was always good to visit the basics. The item section turned out satisfactory as I focused on practices and development activities after a very brief presentation of the frequency adverbs. Both students had great fun making up and aswering random questions using Frequency Cards 1 and Cards 2.
I chose Routine 12 for these two students. I noticed that both of them had done this a few times but never got around to using the questions out of context. So I told them that we were going to try the questions this time and tell a new story. They were a bit nervous, but after I gave them an example coming up with a new story by answering the 10 questions they read out from the routine book, they both looked a lot more confident. And indeed they should be, by the end of the 15-minute routine section, they girls gave me two different shopping stories!
One-Point: B4
“I am(not) looking forward to…because…” This one needed no explanation from me, the younger girl smiled and said “I am looking forward to Christmas and New Year because I can recieve many presents.” When we turned to the other girl, she sighed and said ” I am not looking forward to New Year because I have to give out a lot Otoshidama to my nephews and nieces!” Different positions in life, different perspectives. 🙂
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