Welcome readers! Over the past several weeks you’ve seen a couple of postings from me about Hase-dera and Muro-ji, and to make the rather difficult trip out to see these marvelous places even more worthwhile, I have here another compeling tidbit for those interested in hikes.
English Conversation students at the Smith’s School in Kotoen スミス英会話 甲東園 are active and fit and care very much about their country’s history and natural environment. We’ve put together a list of our favorite hiking places in the Kinki area and compared notes. There are quite a number of you faithful readers as well as other Smith’s School of English Coaches and Franchisees interested in hiking so we thought we might present it to you. If interested, put in a comment below.
Muro-ji and Hase-dera both have forested back-drops that do not see a lot of traffic. Just a mere five-minute walk into the woods and you’ll feel alone and isolated, just as merchants and soldiers passing through here during the Heian Period may have felt.
Watch out for snakes and ticks, and of course the mosquitos are extra hungry this time of year!
Martin Werner Zander
Smith’s School of English in Kotoen 月謝制 Real Monthly Tuition English Conversation School
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