In the English business in Japan, we sometimes need to use a PC to create some additional lesson materials for students. Smith’s school has great materials that open the door to student’s learning at many levels. They are created with Japanese students in mind and address areas that are often weak among Japanese students. But Smith’s also allows teachers some latitude with higher level students to augment the lesson. This is one of the strongest points of Smith’s system.
Last week I purchased a new PC. My old PC was 4 years old and was giving me some problems: blue screen-shut downs almost every day and sometimes two or more times a day! Of course it still works and I am still more used to using it, but this new PC has a Core i7 processor, Windows7 and an SSD (flash memory) so it starts up and shuts down very fast. It is very very very fast. If you are looking for a new PC you should look at one of the so-called Ultrabooks from ASUS. ASUS also provides 1 year free unlimited Cloud storage on ASUS webstorage so you can synch your devices.
When I first saw it I thought it was an Apple MacBook Air. It looks a lot like one. Thin and light and tapering down to a sharp edge in the front. So cool!
Life in Japan is great!
That’s awesome Al,
Getting a new computer is always such a sweet thing- faster, higher quality graphics, the newest software- lots of great stuff to improve your daily computing. We also got a new PC about 1 year ago, but I still use my [6-year] old laptop. I “upgraded” it by reformatting the HD and installing lighter software, such as Linux (freeware operating system), Pale Moon (freeware web browser) and Open Office (freeware publishing suite). All of this made it run much faster- but never as fast as a new one- so enjoy your new machine!
Edward, SSE Otsu
Thanks Edward,
Yes, I also experimented with MeeGo on my old NetBook. It is very light and fast. So sometimes just replacing Windows can help. In the end I went back to Windows. Thanks again! Al, SSE Okamoto