We have discovered that the very easiest and also the nicest way to promote our business is simply to get involved in the community. The other day, Yuichi and I were walking around Kamishinjo. We try to buy as many things in Kamishinjo as we can. As we walked down the street, many local business people greeted us, as did many of the people who live near us. At the time, I didn’t think much of it, but later I realized that we have become a part of the community. Our favourite spot is a little street with a few old fashioned shops. Some sell fish, others vegetables. It has a market feeling, but the shops are open all day. All of the merchants are always really happy to see us and sometimes give us little discounts.
We also try to make our presence known in the community in as many ways as we can, so we try to get involved in community events. I was happy to find out that on the third Sunday of every month, they have a running event at Yodogawa River. It’s a small event, but it’s a way for us to get involved, and a way for me to do what I love…well, try to love. We went in October, Yuichi with his Smith’s shirt and camera and me and my willpower. One of our students also decided to join us. The organizers seemed really happy to have us participating in their event. In November, we decided to participate again. This time two students will be joining us. Well, they are students on Saturdays. On Sundays, they are friends. I am looking forward to getting to know more people and bringing more student/friends to participate in these monthly events! The next one is on Sunday. All three of us are going to participate as a practice for a run in Hyogo on November 23 that we are all participating in together. Good luck us!!!
Great way to be involved in your community and stay in shape. Maybe we will join you for a run one day…
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
I hope you do….all are welcome!!!!