Everybody here at Smith’s Katsura(スミス英会話 桂) enjoys fun English conversation. And everybody at Smith’s Katsura(桂) enjoys good food. That’s why every school event in Katsura is about having fun, speaking English and eating tasty food. And that’s exactly what we did again this month.
We met on Sunday evening to spend time together out of the classroom. This time we tasted meals prepared by ourselves. We had homemade pizzas, saffron rice, salads, exotic curry and potato pancakes. We had a lot of it and it was great. Different drinks and snacks were on the table too.
During the evening we talked about English and other foreign languages, movies, music and of course, cooking. There were smiles and laughs all around the table and I could see how comfortable everybody was. I’m proud to say, we looked more like a happy family than a group of students with a teacher. In fact I had such a good time that I forgot to check my watch regularly. In the end I ran to Katsura station(桂駅) to catch my train home.
I’m glad to help my students improve their English conversation skills. I’m also glad that part of my job is to enjoy such a fun and delicious event with them. I’m looking forward to the next one.
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