On Fridays there are two women that take classes, sometimes together and sometimes separately. They are both decent English speakers, and both have a similar dedication to learning English. The first woman started to learn English, because as a younger person in Junior and High School, English plagued her. She didn’t like it at the time and therefore didn’t do well. Years later she decided to take the bull by the horns and learn English as best she could. Now 10 years later, she has published 2 books that are written in both English and Japanese. It’s truly impressive. I wonder if I myself will ever be able to speak Japanese well enough for another human being to be able to understand what I say, let alone write a book in Japanese. She often goes on trips to many different countries and always comes back with many pictures to show and stories to tell. Her sometimes study partner is as equally talented, but doesn’t write books, instead she chooses to write essays and read books in English, which she has read a few, and has recently become interested in reading about self help or financial topics. She can easily carry a conversation about pretty much anything, and I find that to be of particular importance, because it’s not easy to switch from topic to topic, even as a native English speaker, and I’ve always admired those that could. Teaching these two together is simply a delight, because they work so well together and really compliment the others style. I hope to teach them again soon.
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