This month Akemi, my Japanese wife signed up with Skype, a software program that allows you to telephone people using the Internet and to hear, speak to and see the people you are speaking to with the use of a mike and a camera. We have been using it to communicate with family in Japan and in Canada. We have spoken to Akemi’s mother and one of her brothers in Japan and also my parents in Canada. In the photo, I’m talking to my mother and am holding my daughter, Tina. (^.^) My mother is on the other side of the planet yet it’s almost like we’re talking face to face! The especially great thing is being able to show Tina to my parents who don’t get the chance to see Tina in person. I look forward to talking to my brother in Canada and also my sister and her family in Mexico via Skype. I thank Skype founders Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom for their amazing invention! If you haven’t tried Skype yet, I highly recommend giving it a try. It’s great and it’s free when calling other Skype users! Click here to get started. Enjoy! (^.^)
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi スミス英会話 塚口校
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