I’m sure you all know that Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso has called a general election for August 30th. This means that we will see numerous local politicians and their supporters making speeches and handing out flyers at the stations where we are handing out flyers for our English schools. (Interesting use of present continuous).
This is what occurred this morning while I was handing out flyers for my school, Smith’s School of English, Kawanishi , with the assistance of Derek, owner of Smith’s School of English, Tsukaguchi. We had decided to work at Kawanishi Ikeda JR station 川西池田駅, as there was a large team from Konami Sports Club handing out tissues at Kawanishi Noseguchi Hankyu Line 川西能勢口駅, station.
At first I thought that this might be a bit of a problem, but I think that it really worked to our advantage. When we approached members of the public who had taken flyers from the politicians, we found that they tended to be very receptive and most of them took our flyers. I also played a game with myself, making it a challenge to get people who had not taken flyers from the “other team” to take my flyers, and succeeded many times.
Unfortunately a cloudburst drove off the politicians, but the intrepid SSE team stayed on until our planned finishing time, albeit with some rather floppy flyers. (A touch of alliteration).
Ken says
I agree John that politician’s spruiking tends to enable us to promote our business more readily as their loud voices wake up our potential students. It is however so much better on our ears though when they pack up and leave.
Smith’s School of English Koenji