For Better or for Worse (henceforth FBOFW) is a comic strip written by Canadian cartoonist Lynn Johnston, printed in papers around the world for almost 30 years. The most unique aspect of her comic is that the characters age as the strip progresses, in real time. Unlike most strips in which the characters remain the same age throughout, such as Sazae-san, the Characters in FBOFW grow up and grow old! The comic strip focuses on the Pattersons, a family with 3 children, a dog, a mortgage and everyday problems. The comic strip also addresses sadness, fear and other emotions often avoided by most comic strips. Readers can enjoy this comic because it is based in reality- the children go to school, graduate, get married, have their own children, and so on. Their grand-parents grow old and die, and the readers get to follow along, laughing and crying along with the Pattersons’. Over the years, a few movie studios have tried to make the Pattersons come alive through animation. This week’s video is one such attempt. It’s a little long but slow and uses relatively simple English. Enjoy!
Every week I post my favourite videos for my students to enjoy, and hopefully they can study and learn from them as well. Although not specifically English study videos per se, they all have merit for the keen and curious student of English!
Oh wow that April is a busy little thing isn’t she. Actually the first minute or so is so very close to real life. Nice one Edward.