This week’s video is simple but sweet. Not a lot of English, but enough to challenge most students. Burt’s Bees is a skin care company, which specializes in skin creams and moisturizers. Someone in their marketing department came up with this great idea, to both promote their products through coupons and through this very visual signboard. They made the signboard using thousands of coupons, printed so as to look like the image behind them but with some slightly different colours. As passersby take coupons off the board, the picture changes thus showing visually the change in ‘skin’ over time as skin ‘peels’ away. Clever, fun and great hands-on marketing.
Ed’s weekly video recommendations are posted for the students at my English conversation school スミス英会話大津校 (Smith’s Eikaiwa Otsu Ko), located in Shiga prefecture. Students are encouraged to study at home between lessons as much as possible, and this is one part of that home study- weekly listening and reading through fun video clips. These clips, in combination with weekly One Point English, classroom lessons, and homework, help students to improve continuously. Keep studying hard!
Burt’s Bees Intense Hydration | A Natural Before & After
Another great video promotion from the same company shows a musician making music using things found in nature. The point of the add is to show that Burt’s Bees’ products are all natural. Great way to promote your company and it’s ideas, with music!
Burt’s Bees presents Music from Nature by Diego Stocco
This same YouTube user account has almost 50 videos- so if you liked the previous 2 and want to study more- check ’em out!
This little company has some creative thinking!