What does Teaching English in Japan have to do with toothpaste? Not much to many but quite a lot to Smith’s School of English coaches. I enjoy teaching English in Japan and even after so many years here I admit that pretty much anything about Japan still fascinates me. My English school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi, is located in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecure, Japan. There, I learn new things from my students, which can be lots of fun. For example, this week I asked some students what kind of toothpaste they liked when they were kids. Some of them answered “strawberry toothpaste”. I was surprised because I had never heard of it or used it when I was a kid. They told me that there are other toothpaste flavors available now, including curry toothpaste. Wow! I was surprised! (^.^)
I have since done a search on the Internet. I found a company called Margaret Josefin Japan, Co., Ltd. that sells toothpaste in a large variery of tastes as you can see by clicking here. I lot of them sound tasty. Indian Curry is one of the flavors. Amazing! (^.^) In my search, I also found that there is toothpaste for kids in Canada such as strawberry toothpaste and bubble gum toothpaste as you can see by clicking here.
Thanks to my students, I has discovered that there are many kinds flavored toothpastes out there in the world. Teaching English in Japan is a lot of fun!
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
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