Adrian asked me to introduce some of my students at Smith’s 英会話 Hirakata.
One lady was originally a student of Adrian’s even before he had a Smith’s school, so that would mean that she has been studying English for over 10 years. I’m really impressed with her commitment to studying, because she has to travel about 40 minutes out of her way, after work, just to be able to come to the school. She’s always here every week about 10 minutes early and makes great conversation while waiting for her class to start. She not only comes to class early, she’s well prepared. She brings her pencil, notebook and voice recorder to every class. She just comes every week rain or shine, and you know what? She’s getting better. We’ve even posted some of her writing here on soapbox, because she has become quite clever and has at times come up with some of the most interesting writing.
Now, if some of her tenaciousness would just rub off on me.
I especially like it when she reads notes written to me from her cat. It’s that type of out of the box thinking that makes her writing enjoyable and unique.
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