At Smith’s English schools in Japan, we do not call each other English teachers but instead Coaches of Communicative Confidence. We coach confidence in previously taught English skills, these skills being the English all Japanese are required to study in school by law in Japan or any additional English they have studied. All of my English language students here at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi have studied English for at least 6 years before coming to my English school. They have a good base in grammar, can read English and can normally understand some English when spoken to. However, they need work on their English speaking skills. As their English coach, my job is to coach confidence in their English so that they can eventually converse in English with ease.
I recently talked about this with Masami, a Smith’s student studying English here in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki. She found it quite interesting. A few days ago, she gave me a lovely summer greeting card. On her card, she thanked me for coaching her for the last 7 months, said she could now speak English with a little confidence and that she enjoyed communicating with friends in English. I was happy to read that! Thank you again, Masami and congratulations! Keep up the great work! (^.^)
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