I have just returned from one of my regular spots, handing out flyers チラシ for my English conversation school 英会話, Smith’s School of English, Kawanishi スミス英会話川西校. I am certain that the other franchisees of Smith’s School of English スミス英会話 know what an important part it is of our work. Recently, because of the weather, either very cold or wet and rainy, it has not always been the most pleasant of tasks, although the smiles and greetings received from passers by do help.
Today I went out at lunchtime to distribute my yellow TOEIC flyers (they have been very well received). The weather was better than it has been recently, partly cloudy and not too cold, so I was looking forward to a better time than of late, and I was not wrong about that. In addition to feeling quite warm, there was a group of South American musicians (from Chile I think), performing their beautiful music there on the walkway between Kawanishi Noseguchi Hankyu Station 川西能勢口駅 and Kawanishi Ikeda JR Station 川西池田駅. There were two men and a woman, and they were playing various traditional instruments, including their beloved pan pipes, flutes, guitars and a small stringed instrument similar to a ukulele. The music was pure delight, and definitely lifted the mood of the people using the walkway, as well as my own. When I had distributed all my flyers I was quite reluctant to leave such a pleasant scene, but I had to return to my classroom to prepare for this afternoon’s’students (and write this post, which they inspired me to do). Sadly I only had my keitai with me, so the photograph doesn’t do them justice. Also, I cannot reproduce their lovely sounds.
Hey John,
It seems you had a great time there that day. Yes, good music really helps lift our spirits. But don’t forget that when you hand someone a flyer you are handing him or her a opportunity to expand his or her life by becoming a good speaker of English. I know that without having learnt Japanese in my 20s, my life would be much less full and pleasant. Learning language, though difficult, is a boundary-expanding experience that no one should pass up. So keep handing out those ‘opportunities’. It’s not just a piece of paper! Really! It’s not!!!
Ask your students to find my mistake in the comment. Since I cannot seem to correct it, at least it could be useful for study.
Hi John!
Yes, flyers are an important part of our work. I smile to people and when they smile back or say something to me, it makes me really happy. (^.^)
I’ve heard South American music like that in Tokyo and here in different places in the Kansai area. The first time that I came across such musicians in Tokyo, I bought one of their CDs! The sound of such music is great and uplifting. Having it in the background while doing flyers must have been great!
Thank you for your nice posts and work for the Smith’s franchise suystem. I appreciate your time and effort to help make the Smith’s system better and better both for our students and us franchisees.
Keep up the great work and see you at the joint Smith’s hanami event on Sunday!
Derek (^.^)/
SSE Tsukaguchi
Al and Derek
Thanks for your comments. There are more than one errors in the comments. I’m not even sure about my one? is/are error/errors ?